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Eyebrow Microblading

What is Microblading?
Microblading is a semi-permanent eyebrow procedure that is carried out by a qualified technician using a specialist hand-tool which holds disposable microblades.

How does it work?
The required pigment is deposited into the superficial dermis of the skin with the disposable microblade which allows the technician to create bespoke, crisp hair strokes which look like natural eyebrow hair.

How does it differ from semi permanent tattooing?
Microblading differs from conventional semi-permanent tattooing by the very fact that it is a manual procedure. When using a hand held micro blade, the colour is deposited closer to the surface than when a machine is used leaving very fine and crisp hair strokes with no spilling under the skin.

Who can have Microblading?
With all semi-permanent makeup procedures it is the practitioner’s responsibility to make sure that there are no contraindications to treatment. If there is a medical condition the clinic doctor will be consulted prior to treatment. REMEMBER: We have your best interests in mind.

How long does the pigmentation last?
Microblading tends to last between 6-36 months and after this period of time may need a color boost or refresh.

Does it hurt?
Like all semi-permanent procedures microblading will require a topical anesthetic which can be topped up throughout the procedure making it relatively painless.

Dry & normal skin:
First day : Rinse the eyebrows with warm water and neutral soap, without stretching the skin. Circle gently on the eyebrows until clean skin is felt under the fingertips.
After rinsing we can use Vaseline, any type of Pantenol, Jecoderm.
The first process of rinsing and application should be done half an hour after the treatment. During the day this process should be repeated 4-5 times. After the last rinsing, before going to sleep over the prepared eyebrows, place transparent folio and fixate with a kerchief, sleeping mask, hairband, etc.

Oily skin:
First day : Rinse like with regular skin, but avoid oily creams such as Vaseline, Jecoderm or Pantenol.
We recommend Pantenol emulsion, cream or gel. Gel with AD vitamin can also be used. Rinsing and application is repeated also 4-5 times during the first day and this completes the post-treatment process for oily skin.
Next 5 days apply a thin film without rinsing and without putting foil.
Avoid 2-3 weeks after the treatment applying of powder, makeup, cream with active ingredients over the eyebrows, bathing in public water, strong exercise with profuse sweating, sauna, solarium, etc.
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